Rob's Australian
  Select Resources for Aussie Searchers

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 Welcome to SearchEngineZ AU 

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<<<<<< Check out the menu on the left..... Everything is for Aussies!


 Why this site exists ... 

Once upon a time you could find quality sites and services via web directories. The first famous & successful site was Yahoo!, a web directory. A massive Australian success was LookSmart, also a directory. Then came Open Directory, which used crowdsourcing to usher in the era of Wikipedia.

Then they all either got greedy (pay $$$ to be listed) or got spammed to pieces.

Today genuine directories are few and far between. And there isn't one for Australia.

If you have a resource that is good for all of Australia, or fits into one of the categories on the left, let me know.

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SearchEngineZ Australia ~ no pop-ups :: no paid listings :: just for Aussies